Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hack and put CFW on any PSP (*except PSP-3000) without RISK

Hi! PSP is the most popular portable gaming console on the planet, but to get most out of it you must put CFW (Custom FirmWare) on it. This guide will teach you how to do it without any risk. You may have to spend little time to do it. I guarantee. It will work!

Things You need:

01. PSP
02. PSP data cable
03. Computer with windows xp sp2 (vista sucks)
04. Pandora Battery (don't worry I will show you how to make it. Its really simple!)
05. CFW Installer (Click HERE)
06. Memory stick pro duo over 128MB but under 2GB
07. PSP battery (buy one in your local store or you can use your current battery)
08. PSP Power Unit



NOTE: After you did this your PSP Battery will not work properly. I recommend you to buy new one for this.


Open your battery's cover using any sharp tool and
make sure the battery is the right way up as shown below.

Now, cut the 5th pin from the battery (The pins start from the bottom left and up. So pin 5 should be the bottom one on the right..... Depending on how you hold your battery. )

Make sure when you cut the pin 5 , do not touch pin 6 at the same time or your battery gets fried.

(this guy took lot of time to open his battery. feel free to forward it)

Close your battery cover and Congrats! you made a pandora battery!


1) Download and extract the TotalNewbi Easy Installer .rar file.

2) Start the .exe file up, with your PSP connected.

That's just a picture telling you that the instructions are very clear and I'm sure that anyone can follow it. (I mean follow the instruction shown in the program)

3) Go through the procedure, as I'm sure that it's easy enough to understand.

4) If you are using a Slim, choose 3.71M33. If you're using a FAT, choose either one.


1) Place your newly created magic memory stick into your PSP, and then place your converted battery into your PSP. Your PSP should boot up automatically, if not, switch your PSP on manually (by power Cable.)

2) Follow the instructions shown in your PSP. (backup, downgrade)

3) Once you downgraded your PSP, update it to latest CFW version


I hope this will help you. If you have any question please comment.



Anonymous said...

my psp turns on but the screen is always black

Anonymous said...

and the despertar del cementerio and pandoras battery creator are corrupted

pitchu94 said...

can the memorystick be 4gb? can i still use the same memorystick after i do the total newbi easy installer? can you reply through this email eunjee12345@yahoo.com i will look forward to a reply thank you

Unknown said...

if i dont have a pandora battery can i still use a tool battery???

cowTown said...

hey I've got a 4gb memory stick?
could u make a new video or give me some advice on how i can do something about the problem of my PSP not being hacked?
U can contact me through this email


send a letter or a new video through to that email by MSN or something.

I'm looking forward to your reply so please hurry!


cowTown said...

make sure u send your repky to this email k


just a reminder


Skyh3ro said...

HEy i too have a 4gb stick can i use that??
and i already made pandora but i tried mms rain ultra lite and other crap but it keeps failing i think its the Mem card

Plz reply by sending reply to haru_glory1@hotmail.com

Skyh3ro said...

oh yeah and i have psp Slim

philip byrne said...

can u do with vista

philip byrne said...

my psp turns on but turns black

Unknown said...

i was wondering while i was reading the tutorial, you mentioned that our battery, if we make a pandora battery, they way you told us to, what do you mean by the battery will work properly after? do you mean like it'll not last as long? or what? because im thinking of trying to put custom firmware on my psp which has firmware 5.51(FAT) and it just really made me curious.

Unknown said...

i have a psp 1001...i upgraded it to a 5.51 i hav never hacked it before is it possible todo this to it?...